The Club PT Vision

At Club PT, our vision is to connect country clubs and sports specific clubs with highly trained healthcare professionals across the country and around the world. 


We focus on the PAR approach to achieve our vision and improve the membership experience.

Performance. Advantage. Results.


Our goal is to enhance your Performance by providing you with the Advantage to achieve the Results you desire. That is Club PT’s PAR approach.

Our team of highly trained physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and personal trainers are dedicated to providing individualized and thorough examinations to help identify any physical limitations that could be keeping you from achieving your full potential in your sport of choice, or just in your daily life. We have the skills and training to expedite your recovery from an injury or help prevent injuries from occurring through early identification of dysfunction or limitation that could predispose you to an injury. 

Our goal is to bring our qualified team to your club to help you with your game, whatever that may be, even the game of life. We want to get you stronger and keep you playing longer so that you can live life to your fullest potential.  

Let us help you achieve your PAR.